Dec 2, 2010

Meet the YOWLI 2010 Participants (II)

Kula Aatoz Zodua -Liberia- 24 years 
I am  Kula Aatoz Zodua from Liberia.I was born on the 17th of September 1986 at the John F. Kennedy Medical Centre.As a child, I attended the Miss Simmons KinderCare; and at the age of five I was later transferred to the St. Theresa’s Convent High School where I acquired a solid learning foundation under the watchful eyes of the Convent Sisters and great school teachers.I participated in several competitions back in primary school, where I was able to win for myself several awards. Competitions like the spelling bee, Arts Contest, Essay Writing, Basketball etc.

Due to the fourteen-year crisis, my family and I were forced to leave Monrovia for Accra, where we spent a total of five years in exile, roaming around Ghana and Nigeria. Upon my return to Liberia, I didn't get a place at St. Theresa’s Convent, because classes were full and their fees were really low, that every parent  could afford it  regardless the social status.  With this, I was compelled to enroll at the B.W. Harris Episcopal High School and won a full basketball Scholarship. I obtained my High School Diploma in 2005. 

Upon completing High School, I enrolled at a Secretarial School, where I successfully graduated as an Executive Secretary.  With this, I felt motivated to continue my college education. I gained admission to the African Methodist Episcopal University in 2007, where I am presently reading Sociology and Public Administration.I like Playing basketball, reading, writing, volunteering, singing and surfing the net; but using the net and reading are what keeps me on bridge waters.  For a particular reason, I got drawn into advocacy and social work.  I am a friend to all, I am recognized by all, and I give my ears to all.   For this, I do comprehend fully the disparity among the upper, middle and lower class in a given society.  In my little effort, I tried to work in close relation with the lower and mid class and at the same time affiliate these two, most especially the formal with the upper class.  In so doing, we can all work together in rebuilding MAMA Liberia without encountering social barriers.

Additionally, I have been equipped and armed by numerous national and international training exercises that serve as motivational tools in helping me continue my good work as a Young Feminine Activist. I envision a world wherein we are all treated free and equal; a world without gun men or tormented check boarders.  I hope to incorporate more young women in same area and thereby encourage men to support our cause.

Marion Akinyi Ochieng - Kenya - 24 years

 My name is Marion Akinyi Ochieng’ 24 years. I am a Diploma Graduate in Community Development and social work. I love dancing, singing and making friends.

I am a good leader, having been in leadership positions since early childhood and have managed to get recognition from my fellow participants in activities i am involved in.

I currently work at YADEN EAST AFRICA as a programs assistant in charge of the S.H.E program. I am a mother of one.

Namumbya Justin Ntule -Uganda- 24 years

My name is Namumbya Justin Ntule.  I was born in Kampala, Uganda, on August 25th, 1986 and have lived in Uganda all my life. I graduated from Makerere University Business School this year  (January 2010) with a degree in Human Resource Management. I Currently work as a Human Resource Operations Officer for Future Options Consulting Ltd, a Human Resource Consultancy firm in Kampala and part time as HR and Cultural Consultant for Seafast Holdings, a logistics and Security Firm.

I am a very social person, I love interacting with different people especially the rural girls. I am reliable and conscientious in my dealing with individuals from all walks of life. I am a very open minded person who respects opinions from different people.I am also aware of cultural differences between, male, female, young and old, as well as Africans and beyond.

I am currently in Icon Leadership Academy and a member of movements such as the Uganda women’s movement and Girls to leaders Movement. I am able use my experience to assist young women and men in understanding the ethos of empowerment and  advocacy and mentoring and also have a passion for being a role model to young girls and Youth in the rural area where I come from.My hobbies include playing active sports such as Volley ball, participating in interactive debates, information sharing and reading inspirational literature.

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